Tag Archive for: self care

Research Shows Men Need to Talk More About Their Mental Health

Research has shown that men aren’t speaking up enough about their mental health, leading them to seek out unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Change Doesn’t Have to Be Quick to Be Worthwhile, Says Author Hannah Brencher

Author Hannah Brencher encourages her readers to seek out their own transformation story and learn to pursue health and success through God, not culture.

Becoming Undistracted is About our Values, Not To-Do Lists

The Israeli-born American author, lecturer and investor shares about the psychology of distraction and the human quest to accomplish something.

“What’s for Dinner Tonight?” Overload – With a Side of Decision Fatigue!

Decision fatigue is a state of mental overload from having too many options, too many choices to make. It’s why choosing what’s for dinner can be so hard.

‘Self-Care is Vital in the Unrelenting News Cycle’

It’s important to switch off the news at times – but how do the reporters bringing us the news care for themselves through the rolling stream of overwhelm?

There’s a Word for What I’m Experiencing: Wintering. Maybe You’re Feeling it Too

‘Wintering’ is a word for those times when life turns cold, through crisis or loss, and we find ourselves living at a slower pace to everyone else.

6 Surprising Self-Care Strategies that Work

How do you show that you actually do care about yourself and your wellbeing? Here are 6 self-care strategies that actually work.

Motherhood Life Hack: Look after Yourself

I got a gym injury and didn’t do anything about it. I’m pretty good at regular health checks but did I look after myself? Not very well.

The Simple Reason I Pack My Lunch And Set My Alarm

I do the things I’d rather not do, small things that are a pain, because I’ve learned small things are larger than they appear.