Tag Archive for: christianity

5 Lessons Western Christians Should Learn from Persecuted Christians

A book focusing on the experience of persecuted Christians can help Western Christians prepare for a future in which religious freedom is severely eroded.

Do You Know God, or Just Know About Him?

There can be a temptation to believe that the more knowledge we attain about God, the more our faith will grow and develop.

The Criteria for Being a Christian

According to Christ, the criteria for being a Christian was never total uniformity in doctrinal understanding or a perfect faith.

Seven Practical Tips for Retaining Your Assurance and Joy

We were never meant to do life on our own and as God’s child, He promises his Spirit to help and to strengthen us when trouble threatens to steal our joy.

Torture, Rejection and Love? – The Power of Prayer

In the most dangerous places on the planet, Christians continue to follow Jesus, no matter the cost. For Khan, that cost was high.

Why This Popular Secular Commentator Is Turning To The Bible

Dave Rubin says that Jordan Peterson convinced him that societies run better when they operate under a belief system that stems from biblical truths.

Why Think? A Tribute to Ravi Zacharias

Thinking about life’s biggest questions was the heart and passion of the late Ravi Zacharias. We discuss how to find hope and meaning in a difficult world.

The George Floyd “Apocalypse”: What His Death Reveals About Our Western World

By his death, and the societal response, Floyd has pulled back the curtains on the state of America, and indeed much of the western world.

We Got What We Prayed For: Important Lessons the Western Church is Learning in Lockdown

“For years pastors have pleaded with their congregations to remember that the church is outside the four walls” says Open Doors Australia CEO, Mike Gore.

Who is This Man, Jesus?

Scripture gives Jesus over 208 titles and every one of them is sufficient to provide day upon day of meditation, bringing glory, insight, wisdom, and hope.

Tyler Ellis’s Social Experiment Shows the Gospel Isn’t as Well Known as You’d Think

Christian: Don’t assume that your friends already know the message Jesus brought to the world, don’t assume it’s common knowledge.

Christianity is Global, Only Because Regular People Have Said ‘Yes’ to God

How did Christianity travel across the globe? Because people decided to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

Christianity: It’s No Blind Faith – John Dickson on the Latest Historical Evidence for Jesus’ Life

Have you ever asked yourself where the tenets of your Christian faith come from? What are the historical proofs for the Bible you read?

The Unintended Consequence Of Silencing The Christian Voice

The consequences of silencing the Christian voice are far reaching beyond just the loss of Christian freedoms, other voices will fill the void.

Sharing Your Faith Is a Partnership, Not a Solo Gig

If you’re waiting for the perfect moment, perfect delivery and perfect argument you will never share anything with anyone because it’s not about you.