
Scriptures to Cling to in This Season of Crisis

Scriptures for such a time as now, to anchor yourself in 6 Kingdom promises that remain steadfast and true through every challenge and change.

Tyler Ellis’s Social Experiment Shows the Gospel Isn’t as Well Known as You’d Think

Christian: Don’t assume that your friends already know the message Jesus brought to the world, don’t assume it’s common knowledge.

How Can My Church Help the Community in Crisis? Practical and Financial Ideas

Even as advice and measures keep changing, there are powerful ways people of faith can help the community through COVID-19.

You Can Access The Bank of Heaven

Through prayer, we can access a bank whose capital is absolutely unlimited and can meet all of our needs. Prayer unlocks the bank of heaven.

Fear Not

In a relationship with Jesus we can have many life-changing experiences, but people’s opinions can instil fear which prevents us from sharing about them.

Coronavirus is Going to Demand Much of Us. Here’s Something to Help

These are testing times. Where will we find the inner resources to cope with the inherent anxieties ahead and rise to consider others? This prayer may help.

Spread the Gospel, Not COVID-19

No matter how painful world challenges are at the time, these things pass, but the long term legacy on behaviours and society often remains.

Dear Christian, When The Pandemic Hits, This Is Our Time

This is our time to think not about ourselves, but about our neighbours. Many of whom are scared, and will only grow more so as the virus spreads.

Christianity is Global, Only Because Regular People Have Said ‘Yes’ to God

How did Christianity travel across the globe? Because people decided to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

Mercy Always Trumps Judgment

Jesus wasn’t interested in their religious rituals or their religious pronouncements. Above everything else, Jesus was interested in mercy.

You Have Been Set Free

True freedom is the knowledge that Jesus has triumphed over sin to set us free. We each have weaknesses and when we try to tackle these on our own we fail.

Before He Died, Mike Willesee Revealed a Deep Spiritual Search

When he was 51 years old, Mike prayed his first prayer in 35 years, to a God whose existence he was quite uncertain about… but he prayed all the same.

Asking for God’s Help – Don’t Let the Frogs Pile Up

It is often easier to see what another person should be doing about their frogs- “change this situation now!” we say. “Don’t let it keep building up!”

Get Over Yourself!

I have a very good friend who frequently says to me, “Eli, get over yourself!” I couldn’t count the number of times he has said this.

God Uses My Past — Hernán’s Story

Hernán knew about God as a teenager however, at the age of fifteen, he started smoking marijuana and later began to use cocaine.

We Push Out into New, Uncharted Waters. Don’t Be Afraid

If yesterday was the shore, today we push out into new waters. What new lands we might find! New relationships and fulfilled dreams could lie ahead.

What A Mass Child Sacrifice Tells us About the Uniqueness of a Talking God

In an area just north of Lima, experts have recently uncovered the burial site of the largest child sacrifice ritual ever recorded.

Dunlop Volleys and Hairy Legs

I met Jesus once. Well actually, just his shoes and his legs up to about the knee. But it was Him. He didn’t need me to see the whole of him for me to know.