Tag Archive for: akos balogh

The Atheist Who Wants More Churches In Australia

Harvard Educated Federal Labor MP Andrew Leigh believes Australia could do with more churches. He believes churches are good for society. And yet Leigh is an Atheist.

The Dangers and Opportunities of a Christian Kanye West

So you’ve probably heard the news: Global celebrity rapper Kanye West, husband to Kim Kardashian, is confessing Christ as his Lord.

The Big Mistake People Make About Religious Discrimination

There’s a big mistake many people make about religious discrimination. It’s a threat to other basic freedoms, including non-religious Aussies.

The ‘Great Untruth’ That Could End Our Democracy

This ‘great untruth’ is leading to the polarisation of our community. If left unchecked, it could spell the end of our democracy.

WATCH: The Small Thing You Can Do To Help Prevent A Suicide

This week we had World Suicide Prevention Day. This short video highlights a small but significant thing you can do that might save a life.

“White Privilege” And Indigenous Reparations

I’m nervous about adopting ‘white privilege’. It’s an ideologically loaded word, based in large part on non-Christian worldviews and beliefs.

“The Battle To Keep Your Baby”: The Hidden Truth Of Abortion Laws

I was informed that there could be an abnormality in the foetus and that I should consider an abortion. I had to hold my ground against pressure from Drs.

Does Religious Freedom Lead To The Handmaid’s Tale?

In a SMH article criticising current political pushes for religious freedom in Australian law, Elizabeth Farrelly has drawn parallels to The Handmaids Tale.

When Religious Freedom Destroys Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is a hot issue in Australia today. Modern ‘religious freedom’ may well undermine Christian religious freedom.

The Unintended Consequence Of Silencing The Christian Voice

The consequences of silencing the Christian voice are far reaching beyond just the loss of Christian freedoms, other voices will fill the void.

4 Urgent Conversations Australians Need To Have After Folau

The Israel Folau saga has uncovered an urgent need for Australians to have conversations about the sort of society we want to live in.