Tag Archive for: third space

“Deeply Crazy” – A Way to Better Relationships

Atheist philosopher surprisingly subscribes to the Christian idea of sinfulness. By assuming people are crazy, we can have better relationships, he says.

A Radical Approach to Annoying Colleagues

Can you turn the other cheek in the office, with a less-than-ideal colleague? This episode of God in 60 Seconds explores how.

“What’s for Dinner Tonight?” Overload – With a Side of Decision Fatigue!

Decision fatigue is a state of mental overload from having too many options, too many choices to make. It’s why choosing what’s for dinner can be so hard.

When ‘Reloading’ Isn’t an Option: Dealing with Real Life and Decision Paralysis

Sometimes, the fact that we can’t “reload” our real-life decisions until we land on the most desirable outcome, can paralyse us, writes Jessica Tan.

Sorry Always Seems To Be the Hardest Word

Some people feel that apologising reveals weakness, a lack of confidence, the kind of traits that will never help you get ahead. But is that really true?

‘Nope Speed’ – Moving So Fast That You Fall Apart… Sound Familiar?

People have a ‘nope-speed’. It’s when someone spins faster and faster under the pressures of work until their life falls apart in slow motion.

Is Your Work a One-Sided Romance? Find a New Identity

if you can make a living from something you love, it won’t feel like work at all. That’s the theory. But what if work becomes your identity?