Tag Archive for: teens

3 Strategies for Inoculating Girls Against Stress

With teens facing unprecedented challenges in today’s digital world, these 3 strategies can bolster our adolescent girls’ resilience.

A Father’s Letter To His Daughter (About Living In a World That Degrades Women)

Part of me wishes I didn’t have to write this letter. I wish we lived in a world where all men treated all women with dignity and respect, at all times.

Graduate Job Readiness

There seems to be an increasing disconnect between what students are being prepared for and what the workforce expects of graduates.

Why Advice About Alcohol Falls on Deaf Teen Ears (and What You Can Do About It)

How do you set rules and boundaries about alcohol with your kids? Here are 7 tips for talking about drinking with your kids.

How Far Is Too Far? | Christian Dating Advice

Teens and young adults want to know how far they can go before God gets angry, when in reality it has nothing to do with displeasing Him.

Happy Families Podcast: My Daughter Has a Boyfriend

Letting go is one of the hardest and scariest things a parent can do. Kylie Coulson shares her feelings about her daughter who has just begun dating.

When Should Kids Start Dating?

How young is too young for a romantic relationship? Here’s how to broach the subject of dating and romantic love with your teens.

Why a Teenager’s Brain is Like a Ferrari with Bicycle Brakes

Why are teenagers so impulsive? To understand why some adolescents take risks, we need to look inside their heads – literally.

Social Media P Plates for Teens

Author Robert Garrett suggests looking for these four areas of competence before giving teens their ‘P Plates’ for social media.

Home Will Be the Hero: Creating a Safe Place for Our Tweens and Teens

Leading up to Australia’s National Day of Thanks, here are simple actions that all parents can take to ensure home becomes a breeding ground for resilience.

How to Get Your Teen to Take Isolation and Social Distancing Seriously

You can use your teen’s desire for independence as a weapon for good so that they can be part of the global pandemic solution, not part of the problem.

Boys Have Body Image Issues Too

Whenever I ask a group of tween or teen boys what they think the main area of body focus is, for boys, they yell out, ‘A six-pack!’

Developing Relationship Intelligence in Teens

What young people everywhere have in common is the need for love – in some ways, they crave it as much as (or even more than) basic needs like food.

When Friendships Go Wrong For Girls

Girls need to know that arguing doesn’t have to be the end of a friendship, but that squabbling can be vital to help learn respectful conflict resolution.

What to Do When Your Teen is Caught ‘Sexting’

A recent study, which analysed the sexting behaviours of over 10,300 teens, found that approximately one in six teens are sending nudes.

Navigating Your Teen’s Quest For Independence

The teen years are a time of doing things for themselves and by themselves, figuring themselves out, and experiencing life like never before.

How to Tell Your Friend What Their Teen Is Doing on Instagram

Telling your friends their teen daughter is making unwise, unhealthy, unsafe decisions – and probably lying to them – is awkward.

What Teens Can Learn From Making A Phone Call Instead Of Texting

56% of Australians avoid calling people, choosing instead to text or send an instant message of some kind including teens who are an even lower percentage.