Tag Archive for: relationship with jesus

God Wants to Be Your Friend

God wants to be your friend too. Whether you think you are qualified or worthy is not the issue. He loves you despite it all.

Want a Better Relationship With God? Start Here.

We can’t just sit around and hope to magically have this strong faith and trust. If you want a better relationship with God, you have to take action.

Do People Matter?

As the day closed I looked on as those around me returned home; mothers, tradesmen, students, businessmen and grandmas. All with their own lives.

Be a Friend of God

When you trust in God, he speaks to you as one would speak to a friend. It might not be face to face, but it is always personal, honest, and caring.

You Are a Friend of God

In your spiritual experience, do you consider yourself more as a slave to religion, or as a friend of God? This may determine your happiness in this life.

Being The One Percent

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt like the odd one out. We feel like we belong to the one percent rather than the other ninety-nine.

Our Dads Colour Our Relationship With God—But There’s Healing For That, Says Louie Giglio

Talking to someone about their relationship with their dad isn’t an easy conversation, and not one you have too often.

You Belong to the Lord

Did you know that if you’ve chosen Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you not only belong to him, but you will always belong to him?