Tag Archive for: forgiveness

Tim Keller’s Last Word on Forgiveness

Tim Keller’s final book does what the writer did for the bulk of his ministry: it infuses a deep gracious call for spiritual transformation.

Unlimited: Christ’s Greatest Promise

Jesus pledged, that all your sins, no matter how grievous, can be forgiven. There is no sin under heaven so terrible that it cannot be forgiven.

Pop-Psychology versus Biblical Self-Acceptance

The only way that you will ever truly accept yourself and be at peace is to really know that God has accepted you through Christ.

What Shall We Do About Our Coffee Snobbery?

In the Bible, Jesus says sin is being confident of your own righteousness and looking down on others is a sin. Does that make coffee snobbery, sinful?

7 Ways to Take Back Christmas

Use these 7 strategies to beat the Christmas Grinch as you navigate the season and take back your Christmas!

Forgiveness Frees Us

Hurt is inevitable, but bitterness is your choice. If you want to keep your spirit and your soul healthy you have to learn to let go, forgive, move on.

Why Do We Need to Ask God For Forgiveness?

If you are a child of God, why do we need to ask for forgiveness? The answer to this may seem simple, but the obvious answer might be wrong!

Your Offenses Have Been Swept Away

This is for those who may feel that they have been forgotten by God, and who feel that their sins are too great for God to consider them.

The Healing Power of Going Back

There are places in our lives that we haven’t visited in a long time, and to which its good to go back to begin a much needed healing process.

The Most Forgiving People

The measure of our forgiveness for others is not the forgiveness we are offered, but rather the forgiveness we choose to receive.

“We Had to Accept the Unacceptable” – Abdallah Family Mark First Anniversary of Children’s Deaths

A year on from the tragic car crash that killed three of their children, Danny and Leila Abdallah are urging others to embrace forgiveness.

What Religion, According to Nick Cave, is the “Unhappiest in the World”?

It’s worth listening to Nick Cave when he talks about unhappiness because the Aussie musician knows it deep down in his soul.

How King David Learnt About Forgiveness

The most important lessons we will ever learn in life are about forgiveness, and we only really learn them the hard way through suffering.

Are You Holding the Watering Can or the Machete?

When we’re infected with tall poppy syndrome, insecurity, fear or pain leads up to cut people down instead of watering them with grace.

The Forgetfulness of God

The one thing that God cannot do is remember your sins once he has forgiven you. He has promised this many times in the Bible.

Mum of 3 Children Killed by Car Smash, Speaks of Forgiveness and Hope

The mother of three children killed in a horrific road crash says she forgives the driver involved, and “cannot hate him”.

The Tides of Time

Just like the ocean tides, Gods forgiveness and mercy is new for us every day. We don’t deserve it but we cannot change the mind of God.

The Madness of the Unforgiving Crowds

Our culture has a problem with forgiveness.  We live in a post-forgiveness world.  And it’s going to get brutal and cold if the trend continues.