Tag Archive for: anxiety
Jesus, Evangelism and Our Fabulous Holiday
No amount of luxury holidays seem to block the bitter wind of anxiety in our modern West. It is beginning to feel like storms are brewing.
Paralysis by Analysis
We can analyse, assess and plan, but unless we act, we’ll never reap any rewards. The Bible encourages us to ‘have a go’…
Got Performance Anxiety? Here’s Some Strategies to Manage it
For those who struggle with nerves in front of a crowd, the good news is that there are strategies that reduce performance anxiety.
In a Time of Anxiety, How to be Non-Anxious
Jesus can make a difference to the way we face and work with anxiety, writes faith and culture blogger Brian Harris.
New Australian Centre Focusing on Women’s Mental Health
HER Centre will combine biological, psychological and environmental factors to better understand mental ill-health conditions in women.