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Youtuber vs Wall Street, the David and Goliath Battle – in ‘Dumb Money’

Despite being labelled as ‘dumb money’ by the industry, this one man brought about a revolution that changed how the stock market operates.

Recognising Complicated or Prolonged Grief

A small proportion of people who are grieving (about 10%) experience continuous, disabling grief, preventing them from resuming their life.

What Is It About E-Bikes?

It’s wrong of me to shake my head at e-bikes. Because someone else could say to me: “You have wheels assisting you! Why don’t you walk?”

Celebrating 30 Years of Operation Christmas Child – Spreading Hope Worldwide

Operation Christmas Child works to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way through a gift-filled shoebox and the message of the Gospel.

From Alcoholism to Sobriety Advocate, Justine Whitchurch Offers Hope for Addiction

“Me being sober doesn’t stop life’s challenges from coming my way. It’s given me a lot better capacity to cope with what does come my way.”

The Best Time to Ditch Excess Baggage is During Turbulence

For a business to remain healthy, growing and relevant, enduring organisations typically take their pruning shears to three key areas.

Religious Freedom Has a Brighter Future with the Launch of ‘Faith NSW’

The major religious groups in NSW have united to form a new peak body, representing their common interests at all levels of government.

Australia’s Migration Patterns: Home Near and Far

Among the various cultures contributing to Australia’s multicultural fabric, the United Kingdom takes the lead…

Extraction 2: Light on Story, Big on Entertaining Action (Movie Review)

Extraction 2 is an entertaining, intense-action film that knows what it is and what it wants to do, writes Oli Phillips.

Don’t Spend 5 Days of the Week Waiting for 2

5 out of 7 days we can work not primarily for those who employ us, but doing everything in the name of Jesus, writes Brian Harris.

Traits Imperative For Today’s Leader

As indicated by today’s workers, there are some essential qualities that Australians are seeking in their leaders.

How an Act of Grace Could End Up Saving You

Grace: it’s a radical approach that Jesus spoke into a famous phrase: ‘Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you’.

Beyond ChatGPT: Here’s How AI Has Already Infiltrated Our Everyday

AI is already serving us across many arenas of life, from serving as a round-the-clock doctor to keeping online customers happy.

Riley Clemmons Pulls Faith Out of “Religious Box” with New Album ‘Church Pew’

“We wanted to really write a song that encompasses the full range… my belief over everything is that Jesus saves room for His people.”

How to Succeed as a Christian Woman in Business

Many Christian women want to start a business or go to the next level – but they want to do it God’s way. Here are 7 steps.

How Jesus Launched a Sexual Revolution That Protects Children

Outrage against paedophilia is not universal, neither through history nor through many cultures around the world today.

8 Qualities to Cultivate to Make Success a Pattern, Not a ‘Moment’

What are some of the qualities of people who are routinely successful? Most are able to tick all of these 8 boxes…

Why the Fabric of the Universe is Denim

Behind the fabric of this universe is a God who champions the weak, poor, and oppressed.That’s why the fabric of this universe is denim…