Tag Archive for: social media
Screen and Social Media Use Amongst Young Aussies
Three quarters of Gen Z and 72% of Gen Y indicate they struggle spending too much time on screens and technology.
Will you Help Emojis Rule The World?
There are words that will never be made into emojis, because they are too nuanced or complex, writes Dr Pete Court.
8 Tips for Healthy Social Media Use
While social media offers opportunities for social interaction and information sharing, it can also impact on our mental health.
You Thought TV Home Shopping Was Dead? Meet ‘Shoppertainment’
With almost a third of Gen Zs actively searching social platforms to make online purchases, social commerce is a field ripe with opportunity.
Unplugging From the Tendrils of Technology
The idea of digital rest is gaining popularity. Rather than being eaten alive by tech, or going entirely off-grid, we should find a balance.
Heard of Mr Beast? Here’s Why Gen Z Love Him
The world’s most famous Youtuber Mr Beast made the news in late January for his big spending. Here’s why Gen Z love him so much.
Does Christian Celebrity Need a Cure? – ‘Christianity Today’s’ Katelyn Beaty
US journalist Katelyn Beaty reflects on the Christian celebrity culture origin, Jesus’ relationship to fame and the lost art of contentment.
When You Can’t Unfriend…
Problems are part of life, aren’t they – so why run away from them? Why unfriend problems? Brian Harris writes
2022 in Review: New Milestones, and What Broke The Internet
McCrindle reviews the year that was, with social changes, major milestones, and the crazes that ‘broke the internet’.
Here’s Why Jesus Doesn’t Need More Influencers
When “living your own truth” rules the day, it can be difficult to share faith. How can we make Jesus seem attractive without being pushy?
Todd Sampson Wants Us to Take a Good, Hard Look at the Internet’s Impact on Our Lives
The ad guy from ‘Gruen’ returns with ‘Mirror Mirror’ Season 2, showing us what our online obsession is actually doing to us.
Why We Love the Corn Kid So Much
Uncorrupted by the trials of life, yet to become cynical, this kid innocently expresses his love for something as simple as corn covered in butter.
Gen Z: The Tik Tok Generation Who Care About Ending Racism & Climate Change
The world which educators are preparing students for is changing, but so too is the world these students are being shaped in.
Social Media Loses Trust as Source of News: Report
A new study reveals that Australians are turning away from social media platforms for a specific type of content.