Tag Archive for: eliezer gonzalez

The Healing Power of Going Back

There are places in our lives that we haven’t visited in a long time, and to which its good to go back to begin a much needed healing process.

Why Your Stuff Isn’t Worth Worshipping

In our culture of modern idolatry, we have made our stuff our god. Your stuff may disappear, but God’s not going anywhere.

The Most Forgiving People

The measure of our forgiveness for others is not the forgiveness we are offered, but rather the forgiveness we choose to receive.

How I Would Have Handled the Resurrection

There are many things that are odd about the resurrection of Jesus, but then again there were many things that are odd about his ministry and his death.

How Grace Comes

Grace, by its very definition, seeks us out and comes to us, and it brings with it the opportunity for us to accept it and respond.

Bringing a Friend to Jesus

What barriers are standing in the way of your friends meeting Jesus and how can you help demolish them?

Do You Know God, or Just Know About Him?

There can be a temptation to believe that the more knowledge we attain about God, the more our faith will grow and develop.

Four Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who is Hurting

Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say to comfort a friend who is hurting. A good place to start is with what NOT to say!

The Criteria for Being a Christian

According to Christ, the criteria for being a Christian was never total uniformity in doctrinal understanding or a perfect faith.

God Longs to Be Your Father Today

God isn’t a father like any of us have ever had on this earth. He’s absolutely so much better and you can experience his strength and his love right now.

Seven Practical Tips for Retaining Your Assurance and Joy

We were never meant to do life on our own and as God’s child, He promises his Spirit to help and to strengthen us when trouble threatens to steal our joy.

How to Live a Life of Worth

When you are making a decision for or against going through something in your life, is it faith that is prompting you, or is it fear?

Jesus Had Dinner with Sinners

The disreputable and immoral outcasts of society ate with Jesus while the self-righteous teachers of the law were repulsed by such grace.

You Can Be Coming Last and Be Winning at Life

Winners don’t always make the most money or have the biggest followings on social media, they could even look like the definition of a loser.

What is the Fruit of Love?

What is the true fruit of love? Is it your children? Is it happiness? Is it receiving from others? Well, actually, it isn’t.

Here’s Why You’re Qualified To Do Great Things

You’re qualified to achieve great things with your life, but not because of your performance, position, title or achievements.

Navigating Uncertainty

When we learn to make the presence of God the bedrock of our certainty, then we will be able to navigate through whatever may come our way.

3 Reasons Why Being Friends with Jesus Is the Adventure of a Lifetime

With Jesus, everything that you ever thought impossible suddenly opens up and becomes possible. Living with him is an adventure of infinite possibilities!